Be sure to click on the photos to see them in larger format. You'll be glad you did.

The first thing I did was carefully tiptoe down the boat launch to get a shot of the wharf. I had to be careful because it was wet, slippery, and full of holes. I did NOT want to fall in the water!

Then I climbed up on the wharf and took several shots. In this first one, you can see how busy the area is with boats lining up along the shore at the various businesses.

I watched as a family launched their small boat and the father seemed to be giving his son instructions with regard to the hunt they were going on. Notice they have their black lab dog with them. He'll be jumping in the water to retrieve the ducks they shoot.

Just as they headed out, another boat full of hunters arrived back at the little boat launch area and a few minutes later, I heard shots ring out. I'm not sure if I should be thinking, "poor ducks" or "yummy good dinner coming."

The light started to fade a bit but I did get this shot of a seagull perched up on a pole on the wharf. He seemed to be surveying the situation and probably was glad he's a seagull and not a duck.

I thought I better get going if I was going to get any photos of the snow geese, so headed off there. When I arrived, I was happy to see that the parking area was full so I thought I'd get some great shots. But - No snow geese!!! Drat! So I decided to go back and head to another spot along the river where last year about this time of year I'd managed a great shot of the sun through some black clouds.
But first, I stopped to take a photo of Canoe Pass, a well-known float home area along the river. I like how still the water looks and how I caught the reflections of the houses in the river.
Also, along the way, I took this shot of an old barn.
I lucked out with the sunset. This was taken at approximately 4:05 pm, November 16/08 with my Samsung Digimax V700. I love how it looks.
So there you have another peek into My World one cool November afternoon along the river. I'm looking forward to visiting you all to see your world. To view more "That's My World Tuesday" participants, just click on the link on my sidebar.
i love the photo with a bird, I think it's sweet.
My World Tuesday #2
All of your photos are just lovely, Leslie! I really enjoyed them all. Thank you for your kind comments on mine. Look forward to seeing "your world" next week!
What great photographs of what looks a most fantastic place to live. Especially liked the sunset. Thanks for sharing.
Great post, Leslie. I love all your photos, but I think my fave is the photo of Canoe Pass. I'm a sucker for reflections.
There are also so beautiful. What a wonderful place to photograph.
Hi Leslie,
These are wonderful images along your river. I love how you caught the wake of the boats,the gull, and my what a beautiful sunset reflecting in the water.
Great series of photos and what a terrific sunset shot for an ending.
Well done and thanks for sharing.
thanks for the visit,
Troy and Martha
You took so much trouble to share with us your world this week. We appreciate it very much. I enjoyed my tour. See you next week.
What an interesting and beautiful place. I loved the photos with the seagull on the post and the building right up on the water. Very nice post.
Poor ducks for sure!
A nice look into your world in a part of this great country I will call home one day.
I can't see the shooting but i can taste the duck.
Thank you for your nice words.
Love your photos.
Great post with wonderful photos! Thank you for your visit and greetings from Croatia.
Such a beautiful wander in your world! Love all these scenes!
Lovely, Leslie! The photo of the boats on the water made me think of fishing with my dad when I was young. There was tremendous peace in those moments! God bless.
Great shots. Beautiful views.
I think the gull picture is my favourite :)
Lovely shots! What a fabulous place to take photos!
Leslie: What an interesting look through you area of the world. I loved the photo with the buildings reflecting on the water.
I got a single Snow Goose in among a group of Canadian Geese earlier this year. It was the first one I've seen.
THat was a fun field trip... your photos and commentary were great!
the floating homes on the water is a lovely shot...
thanks for sharing the photos, enjoyed them all.
have a great week.
It never ceases to amaze me, and by now you'd think I'd be over it. Have you ever noticed that when we're showing "our" world to the rest of the world, we always seem to gravitate to whatever body/bodies of water is/are closest to us? I know I do. So do a lot of other people. Maybe not every week, but I'd bet you could go visit every TMW participant and two thirds of them would probably include a water shot if there's one to be had anywhere near them.
And it's not hard to see why when looking at shots like these. There's something about water "in the wild" that's just a natural subject whether it's a mud puddle or an ocean.
Love these shots. But tell me, is a "float home" actually what it sounds like it would be? I've never heard that term before.
Pity about the snow geese but you got some great photos for our delectation anyway.
Funny I feel terrible when wild things, or any other for that matter are shot, but I do love a well cooked duck!
Thaks for this interesting post.
I thank you for sharing your world. Grateful for the nice visit.
Hugs, Denise
Such a beautiful part of the world. just looks so peaceful.
Very nice piccies Leslie and post. I feel 'poor duckies' but to be honest I love eating duck too!!
What a great post Leslie...thanks for sharing your world with us..lovely photos
Thanks for your visit to my post today to!
wowww... that was nice shotz... love it. Wish i could have that kind of shot too heheh
thank you for the lovely tour of your part of the world!
This looks like a lovely, tranquil place that I'd like to visit one day.
Amazing photos! What a place!!!
Great series of pics on the river. I love sunsets so the last one is my fav. Duck hunting doesn't really look like my cup of tea although I have to say I had duck for the first time on a recent trip to China. Not bad tasting.
I certainly enjoyed this trip from the comfort of my chair from sunrise to sunset! Wonderful photos--you have a way of capturing just the right view. Thanks for sharing!
Haven't we just had the most WONDERFUL weather in the Fraser Valley these past 2 days?! The sun has been so great. I need my vitamin D!
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