Fort Langley is the exact location where, a century and a half ago, a huge fur trade organization called the Hudson's Bay Company established a small post to trade with the First Nations of the West. Coast. The enterprise grew, evolved, and influenced history, leading to the creation of the colony of British Columbia.

Furs were shipped to Europe via Cape Horn, produce was traded to the Russians in Alaska, local cranberries found their way to California, and Fraser River salmon was enjoyed as far away as Hawaii. In 1858, rumours of gold on the Fraser River caused a massive influx of Americans to the area. Fearing annexation by the United States, British Columbia was proclaimed a Crown Colony on this site by James Douglas on November 19, 1858. Above are some of the buildings within the fort. Below is a photo of old furs still hanging in one of the buildings, a photo of the the building where barrels are made to this day, and some of the barrels. You can actually watch the workers (in traditional garb of the 1850s) make the barrels.

To see other participants' Monochrome Monday shots or to participate, simply click on the link on my sidebar. Thanks to Aileni at Loose Ends for hosting this.
Oh nice pics. Lol except for the skins..poor lil animals.
The first shot was so beautiful. Very scenic.
My monochrome shot is posted here. Drop by if you have the time, thanks!
Amazing shot of monochrome and I love all of its.Very scenic and beautiful.Thank You for sharing and also Thanks for commenting on my MM.
Have a nice day.
Interesting sereies of images and text to go with them.
I enjoyed these photographs so much and also your interesting post.
Even the dead animals.. watch out for PETA!
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