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If you've been following my other blog,
The Pedalogue, you'll know that I recently spent three days on the lower Sunshine Coast. Our last day there dawned grey and rainy but I did manage to go out onto Davis Pier to catch some photos of the seagulls that hang around there. There must have been at least a hundred gulls sitting on the ledge of the pier, and as I approached, they'd fly off to another area to sit. These were the brave ones that remained until the last possible moment before taking off. I like how this looks in black and white as it reminds me of the day's rather drab colour.
You have caught the grey atmosphere perfectly. I can recall similar occasions on holiday.
I love the way you can see a seagull that appears to be looking straight at the camera, others looking off, and then the one in the air. Wonderful shot.
What an awesome shot!
It does have such a great atmosphere.
lovely capture!
Wonderful photo. Around here, the gulls aren't so shy.
Cute photo, and it reminded me something silly but funny: Finding Nemo's seagulls crying "Mine, mine!". LOL
Kisses from Nydia.
These sea gulls are great fun.
Wonderful leslie, I have seen these fellas in Whitby! LOL!
ohh so beautiful shot! luv the b&w photos!
The entire grey atmosphere is in the picture. It doesn't seem to disturb the seagulls occupations.
Seagulls are perfect in B&W;
I've always had a thing for sea gulls- ever since I was kid and we went to Maine in the summer. Dad would take us down to Schoodic Point with Gramp and we'd feed the gulls. I never see one without remembering those wonderful times.
This is beautiful in B/W.My first Monochrome Monday is
gulls are great..and my how lovely they look in black and white :)
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