Thursday, October 9, 2008

Skywatch Friday - Heron Cloud

Just after hearing about my longtime friend Kathy's death, I went walking at my local beach. It was a stunningly bright day. There were few clouds in the brilliant blue sky, but there were two that caught my eye. I posted the "angel cloud" here and you may remember it. But today I'd like to show you the one that looked like a giant heron floating on the gentle breeze. I'd love to be a bird soaring on the air currents watching life go on below me - just once.

To join in or to simply view stupendous photographs of the sky, click here.


Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

very nice

Unknown said...

Lovely capture! Love the cloud formation and the sky color.

Carver said...

That is so lovely. It does look like a heron.

ellen b. said...

That would be cool Leslie. The cloud really does look like a heron. Sorry to hear about your friend.

Maria said...

You are right, the cloud looks like a heron! Thanks for visiting my blog and your nice comment. Have a happy weekend!

EG CameraGirl said...

Wow! Leslie it really DOES look like an angel!
Happy Sky Watch!

EG CameraGirl said...

OOPS! I forgot to comment on this photo too, which is also a beauty.

Anne-Berit said...

Wonderful shot!

Craver Vii said...

I love the combination of beauty and simplicity.

Gemma Wiseman said...

That is an intriguing cloud shape! Definitely looks like a slim, elegant bird intent on flight!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Your're very imaginative and that's what I like. A beautiful cloud heron

maryt/theteach said...

Just a lovely post, leslie and the other post of the angel cloud is too! Sorry you lost your friend...

Connie T. said...

Lovely sky and cloud.

Tom said...

Shots like this are just so perfect for Sky Watch.. I can well imagineyou walking along with your thoughts and seeing this. It might not be another angle but it was a sure sign you were being thought of back.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

I see the Heron

Cherie said...

To me, it looks like swimming deep sea creatures, and the deep blue ... incredible! :)

Catherine said...

A crested pure, white and graceful heron. I understand what you mean ? Very poetic SWF, Leslie, I love it.

magiceye said...

a lovely capture and wonderful commentary!

Anonymous said...

A gentle contemplative mood comes over, Leslie.

Redzlan said...

Yes, I can see a giant heron there.

Happy SW Friday!

Pernille said...

Very nice photo! I like it. It's so clean, blue and fresh!

Have a nice weekend:)

Arija said...

Nice little white cloud floating in the blue...

Cape Cod Washashore said...

What a fabulous sky!

Thank you for visiting my blog today! =)

Anonymous said...

I'm very sorry to hear about your friend, but I have to agree w/ you - "I'd love to be a bird soaring on the air currents watching life go on below me - just once" I often think about that very thing! Very nice Sky Watch capture!

SandyCarlson said...

I am sorry about your loss. That is a wonderful photo.

DeniseinVA said...

A lovely photograph of your 'heron'. I also looked at the other one which indeed looked like an angel, and a loving tribute to your friend. Since seeing all these wonderful sky photos I have started studying them closely, as I did when a child.

Ingrid said...

That's a real special sky with this lightely pink cloud ! beautiful !

Mike's Travels said...

Super formation!
My Skywatch

Tootie said...

That's interesting, it does look like a heron inflight.

Marie said...

Very nice!