Today I'm going to show you a couple of shots from down at the Ladner dock. As I mentioned in my last "That's My World" post, we live in the delta of the Fraser River. However, there are several tributaries that flow into the salt water and we're at the southern tributary. Lots of boats moor up at the local dock and sometimes you can buy fresh fish from the fishermen. You can also rent boats, canoes, or kayaks and go exploring up the waterways. Be sure to click on the photos to enlarge them.
Hmmm....where shall I take you next week? The country, perhaps?
Lifeboats are always around for anyone who runs into problems.
This meme is hosted by Klaus, Ivar, Sandy, Wren, and Fishing Guy. To see who is participating this week, to check out the photos, or to join in simply click on "That's My World Tuesday" over on my sidebar under "Photography Blogs" and you will be instantly transported.