Sunday, August 3, 2008

Creative Photography #8

To participate or see other entries, see Roger's blog here. Here is my entry for this week - untouched. I took it when I was at London Heritage Farm not far from where I live. The hens were so fat, just like this rooster. He appeared to stop and pose just to let me take his photo - I was very impressed with the size of his - um - comb. lol


Patti said...

Great close-up of this guy!

Good luck in Roger's contest ~

Kelly Ann said...

Wow, that is super close, I don't know that I'd trust that fella around my camera! Thanks for your submission to Creative Photography. :)

Anonymous said...

Very cool close up. Looking at it in this way, I know I will never get peck by it :P Good luck with the contest!

Unknown said...

He does look like he's posing. Great picture.

Ingrid said...

Great portrait !!

Linda said...

It almost looks like he posed for this one!

Good luck this week, I'm still working on picking mine out!

Ralph said...

What a handsome rooster, just looking like the king of his roost.

The hens had better watch out for his charms!

CreativeMish said...

I love your photo! I love chickens and roosters and have my kitchen decorated with them!

Maria Verivaki said...

isn't he a beauty!

Dianne said...

He's a good looking guy :)

This is a great close-up.

I didn't enter this week but I have more fun visiting everyone else.

Daryl said...

Wonderful shot Leslie .. good luck!


Raven said...

Wow... wonderful close up. It's so fascinating to see birds up close like that and get such a clear sense of the eyes and the comb and wattle (is that what it's called?). Very neat shot.

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hi Leslie,

Very clear and wellmade photo I see/hear him saying : Kuuukelelkuuuu ( or in English Kooke le kooo?)

JoAnn Holland

(I wrote a comment on your personal blog, to wish you good luck with your back. read it..)