Monday, September 1, 2008

Creative Photography #12

Even though as a CPJ my photo doesn't get voted on, I thought I'd share this photo that I caught in mid-July at the Westham Island Bird Sanctuary. Such a sweet picture! I sneaked up behind this family and got the photo right through the long grass. And they never moved a muscle. I did nothing to enhance the photo - it's exactly as taken. Click to enlarge and then check out the official Creative Photography site here to see participants' photos.


RW said...

Great capture Leslie! That felt comfortable with you there, the duckies look warm soaking up the sun and nice reflections in the background!

Thank you for your participation, your a great CPJ!☺

Anonymous said...

now where is the ugly duckling? hahaha

great shot as always leslie!

Maggie May said...

This is a really lovely photo. Thanks for visiting my blog and I am really pleased to have stumbled on to yours!

Shrinky said...

Aww, sweet shot! So satisfying when wildlife decides to actually cooperate once in a while, isn't it? (Smile)

Sandee said...

I love baby animals. They are so cute. Nice photo.

Anonymous said...

A family of beautiful ducks having a nice sunbathe. Sweet and warming picture..

Kelly Ann said...

Oh my goodness, they are so precious! :)

Ingrid said...

Wow ! that's a great shot and certainly wasn't easy to do ! Such a cute family !

Momgen said...

simple but beautiful that makes perfect.

Mine is here

Reader Wil said...

How adorable! Thanks Leslie for the visit!

Dianne said...

How wonderful that they didn't move. I love how safe and content they look and I love how Mom appears to be watching all around her.

Great shot!!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Sneaking a peek at the little family on their break time...excellent shot

Linda said...

What an adorable picture! It looks so peaceful and serene.

Patti said...

Great capture of this sweet family.

Tootie said...

I love the duckling picture and also the others on your site too.